The sound of Medium
Medium just made one non-reader very happy indeed.
One of the viewers on my LiveStream show is profoundly dyslexic. He contacted me maybe six months ago — via voicemail message — to explain how difficult it was to apply for a job when you are completely unable to read a job application.
He tunes into my show daily, mainly because he is unable to consume industry news via the more traditional route of magazines and websites.
But, in addition to being a LiveStreamer, I am first and foremost a journalist and a writer. And, as I have got to know this guy, I have started to recognise the challenges he faces on a daily basis. Moreover, I have become extremely conscious of the fact that he and others like him are deprived of one of life’s true pleasures — reading.
So I was delighted to discover that Medium has an audio function that allows users to listen to the words rather than hear them. My delight, however, was nothing compared to that of my dyslexic friend who has just seen a rich vein of pleasure opened up to him. He is now working his way through my back catalogue, devouring my writing like a starving man at an all-you-can-eat buffet.
Thanks to Medium, I have a growing band of readers. Thanks to Medium, I also have one very happy listener too.